If you have never studied English before this is the place to start. The following 15 audio lessons cover the basic interactions you need to participate in your first conversation with a native speaker. You will learn how to introduce yourself, ask someone’s name, exchange basic biographical information, and talk about your studies, everything you should need to participate in a language meetup in your area.
The lessons below are organized around four main topics. The lessons within each topic should be listened to in order but you can move between topics however you wish. So if you listen to the first two lessons in “Talking about language studies” and want a change of pace, you can move to the first lesson in “Introducins”. You could even start by listening to the first lesson on each topic. What you want to learn is up to you.
A) Introductions
- Giving / asking name
- Gendered pronouns and third person
- Formal / professional
B) Talking about language studies
- Are you a language student?
- How long have you studied?
- Where do you study? (Study at a school?)
- Do you like it? (Why?)
C) Talking about yourself
- Where are you from?/where were you raised? (Country)
- Where do you live? (Country and town)
- Do you have any family here / there?
- How long have you lived here/did you live there?
D) Asking for help
- Translation
- Explanation
- Slow down, can hear but not understand
- Repetition, I did not hear